SERC CRF Use-Inspired Basic Research, 2022
A*STAR Career Development Award, 2021
Ontario Early Researcher Award (ERA), 2019
Journal of Materials Chemistry C Emerging Investigator, 2019
IBM First Plateau Invention Achievement Award, 2015
IBM Patent Invention Achievement Award, 2014
Thieme Chemistry SYNStar Award, 2006
MIT-DuPont Presidential Fellowship, 2005‒2006
UIUC Departmental Highest Distinction, 2005
UIUC James Scholar, 2005
Bronze Tablet Award, 2005
Robert H. Doremus Scholarship, 2004
Jean Dreyfus Boissevain Research Award, 2004
Arthur R. Matheson Award, 2004
Worth Rodebush Award, 2003
Hach Scientific Foundation Scholarship (twice), 2003 & 2004
University of Illinois Dean’s List, 2002‒2005
Golden Key International Honour Society, 2002‒2005
National Society of Collegiate Scholars, 2002‒2005
Phi Beta Kappa Honour Society, 2002‒2005
Dads Association Library Award, 2002
Ralph E. Telford Achievement Award, 2002
The National Dean’s List, 2001‒2005
Colgate-Palmolive Research Fellowship, 2001
Pittsburgh Plate Glass Research Grant, 2001
9th Singapore Chemistry Olympiad Silver Medal, 1998


American Chemical Society (ACS)
Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC)
Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC)
Member, Royal Society of Chemistry (MRSC)
Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC)
Affiliate Member, International Union of Pure & Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)


Team Members